~と面倒{めんどう}なことになって、~とトラブって Paul got in hot water with the coach when he missed three practices in a row. ポールは続けて3回練習を休んで、コーチと面倒なことになっているんだよ。
it got him in hot water with the university . それで奴は 窮地に立ったのさ
you know , it's funny how i'm only your brother when you think i messed up . look , talking to an fbi agent is not a great idea for me right now . talking to the feds is gonna get me in hot water with a very dangerous guy . オレは問題をかかえた 厄介な弟だろ FBIと一緒にいるのは 都合が悪い 捜査官と一緒だと
you know , it's funny how i'm only your brother when you think i messed up . look , talking to an fbi agent is not a great idea for me right now . talking to the feds is gonna get me in hot water with a very dangerous guy . オレは問題をかかえた 厄介な弟だろ fbiと一緒にいるのは 都合が悪い 捜査官と一緒だと
" cold candy " drink or ameyu ( " candy " drink ) is one of japan ' s traditional sweet drinks made from malt syrup dissolved in hot water with ginger juice or grated ginger added as a seasoning or flavoring agent . 冷やし飴(ひやしあめ)または飴湯(あめゆ)とは、麦芽水飴を湯で溶いて、風味や香りを付けるためにショウガの搾り汁またはおろし生姜を加えた、日本の伝統的な甘味飲料の一つ。