in number 意味

発音を聞く:   in numberの例文
  • {1} : 数えてみると、数の上では
    {2} : 総計{そうけい}で、合計{ごうけい}で、全部{ぜんぶ}で


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. twitter posts and such are also rising in number .
  2. smaller in number are we , but larger in mind .
    うちら数少ないけど、 頭の方で勝てる
  3. but compared to un , they are very few in number .
    ですが うんに比べて 非常に数の少ない蟲でして
  4. elbows in number , by goodridge , and that is it .
  5. however , such cases have declined in number today .


        a number:     A number [éi n?mb?(r) w?n] ((略式))?=A one, A1 (2).
        a number of:     a númber of ?3 .
        by number:    番号で、機械的に、型どおりに
        number:     1number n. 数; 数字; 番号; (雑誌の)号; 曲目. 【動詞+】 ascertain the number of people present 出席者の数を確認する attract the greatest possible number of tourists to the country その国にできるだけ多数の観光客を引きつける Thi
        number of:    number of 若干 じゃっかん
        to the number of:    ~の数だけ
        (number of) days:    (number of) days 日子 にっし
        (number of) months:    (number of) months 箇月 かげつ
        -building number:    -building number 号館 ごうかん
        a (great) number of:    a (great) number of いくつもの
        a considerable number:    a considerable number 相当数 そうとうすう
        a fair number:    a fair number 相当数 そうとうすう
        a number of days:    a number of days 日数 にっすう ひかず
        a number of months:    a number of months 累月 るいげつ
        a number of times:    a number of times 数次 すうじ


  1. "in novels, fantastically rich people are often portrayed as unhappy" 意味
  2. "in now" 意味
  3. "in np" 意味
  4. "in nubibus" 意味
  5. "in nuce" 意味
  6. "in number order" 意味
  7. "in numbers" 意味
  8. "in numeric order" 意味
  9. "in numerical order" 意味
  10. "in nubibus" 意味
  11. "in nuce" 意味
  12. "in number order" 意味
  13. "in numbers" 意味

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