in one mind 意味

  • 気をそろえて


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. it means that the three thousand realms are contained in one mind .
  2. honmon no daimoku ' : namu myohorenge-kyo , which is the three thousand realms contained in one mind of enlightenment by sakyamuni .
  3. kimyo-dan is the ceremony to realize that rise of lives of all living things exists in the three thousand realms contained in one mind which is the reason for tendai .
  4. the junyoze is an important doctrine , believed to give origin to form " ichinen sanzen (the three thousand realms contained in one mind )" which is later called the fundamental tendai doctrine .
  5. honmon no honzon (nichiren shoshu sect )' : hito-no-honzon (human principal image ) is nichiren daishonin (大聖人 ) and ho-no-honzon (principal image of dharma ) is namu myohorenge-kyo of koto-no-ichinensanzen (事の一念三千 ), (the three thousand realms contained in one mind ).
    「本門の本尊 (日蓮正宗)」:人の本尊は日蓮大聖人、法の本尊は事の一念三千の南無妙法蓮華経。


        be of one mind with:     be of [in] óne [a] mínd with O Click...
        in one's mind:     in one's mínd ?=to one's MIND(1) .
        into one's mind:    念頭{ねんとう}に浮かぶ
        on one's mind:    気にかかって He has been on my mind since we spoke on the phone last night. 昨夜、電話で話してから、彼のことが気にかかっている。 Tell me what's on your mind? 何が心配なの? She is on my mind and I can't help it. 彼女の事が気になって仕方ないんです I know
        one mind:    one mind 一心 いっしん 一つ心 ひとつこころ
        one's mind:    one's mind 胸中 きょうちゅう 方寸 ほうすん 意中 いちゅう 心の中 こころのうち 内心 ないしん 脳裏 脳裡 のうり
        to be on one's mind:    to be on one's mind 気になる きになる
        to one's mind:    (人)の考えでは、(人)が思うには、私見によれば
        with one mind:    with one mind 一心に いっしんに
        100 million of one mind:    一億一心{いちおく いっしん}
        a bit of one's mind:     a bìt of one's mínd 率直な意見.
        a one-track mind:    a one-track mind 一本気 いっぽんぎ
        act with one heart and mind:    一心同体{いっしん どうたい}である
        addict one's mind to speculation:    思索{しさく}にふける
        after one's mind:     after one's mínd 心にかなった,気に入った a woman after his ~ 彼好みの女性.


  1. "in one instance death occurred from…" 意味
  2. "in one leap" 意味
  3. "in one location" 意味
  4. "in one lump sum" 意味
  5. "in one mail" 意味
  6. "in one more day" 意味
  7. "in one more month" 意味
  8. "in one mouthful" 意味
  9. "in one night" 意味
  10. "in one lump sum" 意味
  11. "in one mail" 意味
  12. "in one more day" 意味
  13. "in one more month" 意味

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