in proof of 意味

発音を聞く:   in proof ofの例文
  • in proof of


  1. when the priest master judges that training of the disciple has been successfully completed , he teaches the disciple the core of the dharma , and gives the disciple kesa and jihatsu (nesting set of bowls with which a priest in training eat ) that were inherited from the founder of the sect , in proof of the completion .
  2. when the priest master judges that training of the disciple has been successfully completed , he teaches the disciple the core of the dharma , and gives the disciple kesa and jihatsu (nesting set of bowls with which a priest in training eat ) that were inherited from the founder of the sect , in proof of the completion .


        as proof of:    ~の証拠{しょうこ}として、~の証しとして
        in proof:    校正刷りで
        on the proof:    校正刷りで
        proof:    1proof n. (1) 証明, 証拠; (品質などを試す)試験, 吟味; プルーフ, 標準強度 《アルコール飲料のアルコール含有量の単位; 米国では 50%, 英国では 57.1% を 100 プルーフとする》. 【動詞+】 adduce proofs 証拠としてあげる afford an indisputable proof of… …の確実な証拠を提供する
        (presentation of) proof:    (presentation of) proof 挙証 きょしょう
        a galley proof:    a galley proof 校正刷り こうせいずり
        above proof:    標準強度を越えた、標準強度以上で
        abrasion proof:    {形} :
        abrasion-proof:    {形} : 耐摩耗性{たい まもう せい}の
        absolute proof:    (絶対)確実{(ぜったい)かくじつ}な証拠{しょうこ}、確証{かくしょう}
        acid proof:    {形} :
        acid-proof:    {形} : 耐酸性{たいさん せい}の
        acid-proof...:    acid-proof... 耐酸[化学]
        actor proof:    {形} :
        actor-proof:    {形} : 演技{えんぎ}が下手でも受ける


  1. "in progress" 意味
  2. "in progress in" 意味
  3. "in progression" 意味
  4. "in promising new credits" 意味
  5. "in proof" 意味
  6. "in proper attire" 意味
  7. "in proper form" 意味
  8. "in proper trim" 意味
  9. "in proper working order" 意味
  10. "in promising new credits" 意味
  11. "in proof" 意味
  12. "in proper attire" 意味
  13. "in proper form" 意味

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