in rivalry with the criticism against ichijo and hokekyo in this book , saicho wrote " shogon-jikkyo ," which is where the dispute between them started . この書における一乗批判・法華経批判に対して最澄が著したのが『照権実鏡』であり、ここから両者の論争が始まった。
dissatisfied with shoyo tsubouchi ' s " essence of novels ," shimei wrote this novel in rivalry with " tosei shosei katagi " (the character of modern students ). 坪内逍遥の『小説神髄』を読んで満足しなかった四迷が『当世書生気質』に対抗して書いた。
as the clan was in rivalry with the ouchi clan , it sided with the eastern forces in the onin war and continued to confront the ouchi clan , until the sengoku period , in alliance with the amako clan . 大内氏とは対立関係にあり、応仁の乱でも東軍方について参戦、以降戦国時代まで尼子氏らと組んで大内氏に対抗した。
in rivalry with the koetsu alliance , ujimasa built a new alliance with nobunaga oda and ieyasu tokugawa by reversing the second koso alliance , and invaded the territory of the takeda clan in suruga from both sides . 甲越同盟に対して氏政は第2次甲相同盟を破棄し、織田信長・徳川家康と同盟を結び駿河の武田領国を挟撃する。
in the crown prince postmortem problem of emperor shotoku (emperor koken ), he was in rivalry with kibi no makibi who supported funya no kiyomi from emperor tenmu ' s series and later his younger brother funya no ochi . 称徳天皇(孝謙)死後の皇嗣問題では、天武天皇系の文室浄三のちにその弟文室大市を推した吉備真備に対抗した。