in rivalry with 意味

  • ~に対抗して、~に対立して、~を向こうに回して


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. in rivalry with the criticism against ichijo and hokekyo in this book , saicho wrote " shogon-jikkyo ," which is where the dispute between them started .
  2. dissatisfied with shoyo tsubouchi ' s " essence of novels ," shimei wrote this novel in rivalry with " tosei shosei katagi " (the character of modern students ).
  3. as the clan was in rivalry with the ouchi clan , it sided with the eastern forces in the onin war and continued to confront the ouchi clan , until the sengoku period , in alliance with the amako clan .
  4. in rivalry with the koetsu alliance , ujimasa built a new alliance with nobunaga oda and ieyasu tokugawa by reversing the second koso alliance , and invaded the territory of the takeda clan in suruga from both sides .
  5. in the crown prince postmortem problem of emperor shotoku (emperor koken ), he was in rivalry with kibi no makibi who supported funya no kiyomi from emperor tenmu ' s series and later his younger brother funya no ochi .


        in rivalry:    《be ~》張り合っている
        rivalry:     rivalry n. 競争(心), 対抗, 敵対. 【動詞+】 break down old rivalries かつての敵対(関係)を打破する foster rivalry 競争心を抱く Our team has an ongoing rivalry with them for dominance of the league. わがチームはリーグ内の
        (sense of) rivalry:    (sense of) rivalry 対抗意識 たいこういしき
        acute rivalry:    鋭い敵対{てきたい}
        arouse rivalry:    競争心{きょうそうしん}を駆り立てる
        binocular rivalry:    視野闘争{しやとうそう}
        bureaucratic rivalry:    官庁間の対抗意識{たいこう いしき}
        business rivalry:    business rivalry 商売敵 しょうばいがたき
        commercial rivalry in:    ~における商業上{しょうぎょうじょう}の競争{きょうそう}
        economic rivalry:    経済的競争
        enter into rivalry with:    ~と競争{きょうそう}を始める
        foster rivalry:    競争心{きょうそうしん}を抱く
        friendly rivalry:    互いに負けないように励むこと、励まし合いながらの競争、よい意味{いみ}での競争意識{きょうそう いしき}
        in bitter rivalry:    激しく競争{きょうそう}して
        in friendly rivalry:    《be ~》切磋琢磨し合う


  1. "in right of" 意味
  2. "in rigid extension" 意味
  3. "in rival with" 意味
  4. "in rivalry" 意味
  5. "in road" 意味
  6. "in robust health" 意味
  7. "in rococo style" 意味
  8. "in roll form" 意味
  9. "in rival with" 意味
  10. "in rivalry" 意味
  11. "in road" 意味
  12. "in robust health" 意味

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