in tens of meters 意味

  • 10メートル単位{たんい}で


        measured in tens of meters:    10メートル単位{たんい}で測られた[測定{そくてい}された?計測{けいそく}された]
        meters:    {名} : 《コ》メートル
        tens:     TENS {略} : transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation 経皮電気的神経刺激{けいひ でんき てき しんけい しげき} TENs {略} : Trans-European Networks 欧州横断{おうしゅう おうだん}ネットワーク
        meters in thickness:    厚さ_メートル
        respiration meters:    respiration meters 呼吸メーター[医生]〈98T0102:福祉関連機器用語[リハビリテーション機器部門]〉
        thousand meters:    《単位》1000メータ◆【略】thm ; THM
        in mutilated tens:    汚損した10ドル札で
        several tens:    several tens 何十 なんじゅう
        several tens of:    数十{すうじゅう}の
        tens complement:    10の補数{ほすう}
        tens digit:    十[10]の位(の数字{すうじ})
        tens of millions of:    数千万{すうせんまん}の
        tens of people:    数十人{すう じゅうにん}
        tens of percent:    多量{たりょう}
        tens of thousands:    tens of thousands 数万 すうまん


  1. "in ten minutes the hut lay in ashes" 意味
  2. "in ten of the patients, the tumors shrank by half, and in two they disappeared" 意味
  3. "in tender accents" 意味
  4. "in tennis competitions, the total purse on the women's circuit has surpassed $13 million" 意味
  5. "in tennis shoes" 意味
  6. "in term" 意味
  7. "in term of choice" 意味
  8. "in terminal condition" 意味
  9. "in terms" 意味
  10. "in tennis competitions, the total purse on the women's circuit has surpassed $13 million" 意味
  11. "in tennis shoes" 意味
  12. "in term" 意味
  13. "in term of choice" 意味

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