in the buildup of weaponry the country has lost its quantitative edge
beer that has lost its effervescence
: 気の抜けたビール
theory that has lost its freshness
: 色あせた理論{りろん}
quantitative edge
: 量的な優位
set a book on its edge
: 本[書物]を立てる
: weaponry n. 兵器類. 【動詞+】 deploy high-tech weaponry ハイテク兵器を配備する manufacture sophisticated weaponry 精巧な兵器を製造する. 【形容詞 名詞+】 nuclear weaponry 核兵器類 equip a jet plane with sophisti
rebuilt some of its lost cachet
: 失われていた名声{めいせい}をある程度取り戻す
country in its greatest glory
: 全盛時の国
hat that has seen its day
: 使い古した帽子{ぼうし}
phenomenon which has its roots in
: ~で始まった[に起源{きげん}がある?にルーツがある]現象{げんしょう}
curse one's computer for the precious data it has lost
: 大事{だいじ}なデータを消されてしまったことでコンピュータをののしる[に悪態{あくたい}をつく]
person who has just lost one's job
: 失業{しつぎょう}したばかりの人
report of the loss of (that one has lost) an article
: report of the loss of (that one has lost) an article 紛失届 ふんしつとどけ
restore public trust that has been lost
: 失墜{しっつい}した国民{こくみん}の信頼{しんらい}を回復{かいふく}する
divine country with the emperor at its center
: 天皇{てんのう}を中心{ちゅうしん}とする[した]神の国
: buildup n. 増強, 強化; 蓄積, 集積. 【動詞+】 begin a buildup of troops 兵力の増強を開始する. 【形容詞 名詞+】 carbon buildup on spark plugs 点火プラグへの炭素の蓄積 reduce the cholesterol buildup in the body 体内のコレステロー
"in the bubble" 意味
"in the bucks" 意味
"in the bud" 意味
"in the buff" 意味
"in the building" 意味
"in the bullpen" 意味
"in the burbs" 意味
"in the burning words of dante" 意味
"in the business" 意味
"in the buff" 意味
"in the building" 意味
"in the bullpen" 意味
"in the burbs" 意味
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