in the category 意味

  • 《be ~》範疇{はんちゅう}に入る


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. and i don't believe this is one of them in the category .
  2. are really in the category of like jupiter .
  3. the winners of the kyoto prize in the category of advanced technology
  4. it is the most recent national treasure in the category of paintings .
  5. so if we put you in the category


        by category:    カテゴリー別に
        category:     category n. 部類, 種類, 種目, カテゴリー. 【動詞+】 On what principles have these categories been defined? いかなる原理にもとづいてこれらのカテゴリーは画定されているのか Interviewers distinguish four categories of job applicants.
        acceptance category:    立会い区分{たちあい くぶん}
        accommodation category:    宿泊等使用設備の種類{しゅるい}
        adopter category:    採用者{さいようしゃ}カテゴリー
        argument category:    引数範疇{ひきすう はんちゅう}
        artificial category:    人工概念{じんこう がいねん}
        assigned to a category:    《be ~》カテゴリーに割り当てられる
        basket category:    包括品目{ほうかつ ひんもく}
        belong to the category:    ~の範疇に入る
        blocking category:    阻止範疇{そし はんちゅう}
        broad category:    広義{こうぎ}のカテゴリー
        business category:    ビジネス?カテゴリー、適用事業{てきよう じぎょう}、業態{ぎょうたい}
        category extension:    カテゴリ拡張{かくちょう}
        category for sex:    性別{せいべつ}の欄


  1. "in the case of failure to abide by conditions of contract" 意味
  2. "in the case of goods remaining unsold" 意味
  3. "in the case of health insurance, johnson enacted a program first proposed by harry truman twenty years earlier" 意味
  4. "in the castle" 意味
  5. "in the catbird seat" 意味
  6. "in the catsup" 意味
  7. "in the cause of" 意味
  8. "in the cause of fighting terrorism" 意味
  9. "in the cause of humanity" 意味
  10. "in the castle" 意味
  11. "in the catbird seat" 意味
  12. "in the catsup" 意味
  13. "in the cause of" 意味

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