in the dust 意味

発音を聞く:   in the dustの例文
  • {1} : 死んで
    {2} : 屈辱{くつじょく}を受けて


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. this power which leaves even my hopes and future in the dust
  2. we need somebody to put their foot in the dust of the moon .
    月に立つ誰かが 必要なんだ
  3. you agree someone put your head in the dust like this ?
  4. you'll be left in the dust . act on what ?
    居心地悪くなるわよー。 立ち回る...?
  5. for long time i alone dwell in the dust .


        dust:     1dust n. ほこり; 灰; 粉末; 土; 《文語》 遺骸, 亡骸(なきがら). 【動詞+】 problems that lie neglected and are accumulating dust upon the shelves of the Department 閑却されてその省で棚上げになってほこりをかぶっている諸問題 This surface seems
        to dust:    to dust 叩く たたく はたく
        dust dust:    {名} :
        dust-dust:    {名} : 〈米俗〉昇級{しょうきゅう}して間がない下士官{かしかん}
        ashes to ashes, dust to dust:     áshes to áshes, dúst to dúst. 灰は灰に,塵(ちり)は塵に《◆英国の葬式に用いる言葉》.
        a cloud of dust:    a cloud of dust 土煙 つちけむり
        accumulate dust:    ほこりをかぶる
        accumulation of dust:    ごみの堆積{たいせき}
        acid dust:    酸性塵
        airborne dust:    空気{くうき}で運ばれるほこり
        aluminium dust:    アルミニウム粉末{ふんまつ}
        aluminum dust:    アルミニウム粉末{ふんまつ}
        angel dust:    〈米俗〉エンジェルダスト、天使の粉、合成ヘロイン、PCP
        anther dust:    花粉{かふん}
        as dry as dust:    とてものどが渇いて、無味乾燥な


  1. "in the dry environment of a plane" 意味
  2. "in the dry state" 意味
  3. "in the dry summer of 1980 1980" 意味
  4. "in the dusk" 意味
  5. "in the dusk of the evening" 意味
  6. "in the e-mail inbox" 意味
  7. "in the e-mail system, the sender's id number is automatically affixed to each message" 意味
  8. "in the earlier hours of the evening" 意味
  9. "in the earlier phases of the disease" 意味
  10. "in the dusk" 意味
  11. "in the dusk of the evening" 意味
  12. "in the e-mail inbox" 意味
  13. "in the e-mail system, the sender's id number is automatically affixed to each message" 意味

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