however , today , the imperial delegate (the delegate of the real emperor ) does not participate in the march , a representative called konoeshi-dai (the acting imperial guard delegate ) participates instead . もっとも、現在実際の天皇の使いである勅使は行列には加わらず、近衛使(勅使)代と呼ばれる代行者が行列に参加している。)
in the march 1 , 1250 section of the " azuma kagami " (the mirror of the east ), there is an article about the visit to temples and shrines at izu and hakone of the seii taishogun (literally , " great general who subdues the barbarians " ) fujiwara no yoritsugu , in which the names of the accompanying gokenins appear . 『吾妻鏡』建長2年(1251年)1月20日条に、征夷大将軍藤原頼嗣が二所に参詣したという記事があり、従った御家人を記す。