in the top of 意味

  • 《野球》~回の表


  1. is by making grooves in the top of the pinhead .
    ピンの頭に 溝をつけて
  2. mama was in the top of the school too .
    ママも 学年トップだったんだもん。
  3. there were some innovative abura tokkuri with a device to recycle dripped oil (a saucer attached in the top of abura tokkuri catches dripped oil and drains it back to abura tokkuri ) because oil was expensive at that time .
  4. there were circular loopholes , rhombic loopholes , loopholes shaped like a shogi piece , shinogi hazama (triangular loophole ), hako hazama (box-shaped loophole ), and so on according to the shape of windows , as well as ishisama (stone loophole used to fire a gun through the castle wall ) that was cut in the top of a stone wall under a fence .


        a top:    a top 独楽 こま
        and on top of that:    そして何よりも
        at the top:    《be ~》トップを切る、一位を占める、王座を占める、首位を占める
        at the top of:    ~の頂上{ちょうじょう}で、~の最上部{さいじょう ぶ}で He stood at the top of Mt. Everest. 彼はエベレストの頂上に立った。
        in top:     in [ìnto] tóp (1) 〈自動車が〉トップギアで[に](?3b ). (2) 〈人が〉最も健康な状態で[に].
        on the top of:    ~の上に The village sits on the top of a large hill. その村は大きな丘の上にある。
        on top:    {1} : 成功{せいこう}して、上に、勝って、優勢{ゆうせい}な She is on top in the field of graphic design. 彼女はグラフィックデザイン界の第一人者だ。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 《野球》リードして
        on top of:    on top of 上 うえ
        on top of that:    on top of that 果ては はては
        on top of this:    この上に、さらに
        top:     1top n. 頂上, 上部; 《口語》 頭; 表面; ふた, 栓(せん); 《口語》 上着; 〔野球〕 イニングの表(おもて); 首位. 【動詞+】 blow one's top 《口語》 (こらえきれず)怒りを爆発させる I can't get the top on . ふたが締まらない Put the top on. ふたを締めなさい
        top of:    最高{さいこう}の
        top with:    ~を上に乗せる
        top-:    {連結} : topo-の異形{いけい}◆母音の前で
        (top of) shoulder:    (top of) shoulder 肩先 かたさき


  1. "in the ton" 意味
  2. "in the toothpaste category" 意味
  3. "in the top drawer" 意味
  4. "in the top flight" 意味
  5. "in the top job" 意味
  6. "in the top quartile" 意味
  7. "in the topflight" 意味
  8. "in the total absence of anybody from the other side, negotiations were postponed" 意味
  9. "in the touch method all fingers are used" 意味
  10. "in the top flight" 意味
  11. "in the top job" 意味
  12. "in the top quartile" 意味
  13. "in the topflight" 意味

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