and many other arabs who've revolted and are in transition そして革命を経て移行期間にあるアラブ諸国の人々は
division of first-year students in transition 導入教育部門
but the system was , as it were , in transition and the highest hereditary titles , such as o-omi and muraji , were still placed above the rank of daitoku . ただしこの制度は言わば移行期の制度であり、大臣 (日本)や連といった最上級の姓に属する豪族は依然として大徳よりも上位に置かれていた。
but the system was , as it were , in transition and the highest hereditary titles , such as o-omi and muraji , were still placed above the rank of daitoku . ただしこの制度は言わば移行期の制度であり、大臣 (日本)や連といった最上級の姓に属する豪族は依然として大徳よりも上位に置かれていた。