- 不注意{ふちゅうい}で窒息死{ちっそく し}させた
inadvertently smothered 意味
- "inadvertently or intentionally" 意味
- "inadvertently post an entry to another account" 意味
- "inadvertently quicken" 意味
- "inadvertently reveal" 意味
- "inadvertently skip a line" 意味
- "inadvertently spread the virus" 意味
- "inadvertently squeeze someone's hand" 意味
- "inadvertently take the medicine" 意味
- "inadvertently talk about" 意味
- "inadvertently reveal" 意味
- "inadvertently skip a line" 意味
- "inadvertently spread the virus" 意味
- "inadvertently squeeze someone's hand" 意味