- エイズへの関心{かんしん}が大幅{おおはば}に低下{ていか}したことを示す
indicate a huge drop in concern about aids 意味
- "indicate a forward-looking approach toward" 意味
- "indicate a great potential for" 意味
- "indicate a hardening of" 意味
- "indicate a high concern for the noise pollution caused by" 意味
- "indicate a high degree of connectivity" 意味
- "indicate a lack of" 意味
- "indicate a low sense of self-esteem" 意味
- "indicate a misunderstanding of" 意味
- "indicate a more serious bacterial infection" 意味
- "indicate a high concern for the noise pollution caused by" 意味
- "indicate a high degree of connectivity" 意味
- "indicate a lack of" 意味
- "indicate a low sense of self-esteem" 意味