inequality 意味

発音を聞く   inequalityの例文


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. is always a lot higher than income inequality
    所得格差のそれよりも 常に大きいということです
  2. we have been so used to inequality , sometimes
    私たちは時に 不公平に余りに慣れているせいか
  3. and here the central fact is that wealth inequality
  4. are exacerbated as economic inequality increases .
    経済格差が広がると 悪化するのです
  5. first , the general level of wealth inequality
    一般に資産格差は 常に所得格差よりも大きく



  1. "inequalities in inheritance" 意味
  2. "inequalities in tax assessments" 意味
  3. "inequalities in the draft system" 意味
  4. "inequalities in the value of individual votes from different electoral districts" 意味
  5. "inequalities of the ground" 意味
  6. "inequality between the rich and poor" 意味
  7. "inequality in income distribution" 意味
  8. "inequality in salary between" 意味
  9. "inequality in size" 意味
  10. "inequalities in the value of individual votes from different electoral districts" 意味
  11. "inequalities of the ground" 意味
  12. "inequality between the rich and poor" 意味
  13. "inequality in income distribution" 意味

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