inside front cover
inside front coverの例文
inside of the front cover
: 表紙裏
on the inside of the front cover
: 表見返しに
inside cover
: 内表紙、扉、表紙裏
inside the cover
: inside the cover 見返 見返し みかえし
front cover
: front cover 表々紙 表表紙 おもてびょうし 上表紙 うわびょうし 表紙 ひょうし
inside cover of a book
: 本の扉
inside the back cover
: 裏見返しに
just inside the front door
: 玄関の土間
cover the water front
: 詳しく調べる "Could you provide me with any information on HDTV?" "Sure. I'll cover the water front." 「ハイビジョンテレビの情報ない?」「よーし、詳しく調べとくよ」
frame front cover
: frame front cover 前カバー[機械]
frame front cover hinge
: frame front cover hinge 前カバーヒンジ[機械]; 前カバーヒンヂ[機械]
front cover photograph of a magazine
front-cover photograph of a magazine
: 雑誌{ざっし}の表紙{ひょうし}の写真{しゃしん}
outside front cover
: (本の)表表紙、表1
pornographic magazine inside a vinyl cover
: ビニ本
"inside form" 意味
"inside fort collins" 意味
"inside forward" 意味
"inside frame" 意味
"inside freeze board" 意味
"inside fund" 意味
"inside grip" 意味
"inside guide vane ring" 意味
"inside heat" 意味
"inside frame" 意味
"inside freeze board" 意味
"inside fund" 意味
"inside grip" 意味
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