instruct to pay for the booking fee 意味

  • 予約料{よやく りょう}を支払うよう指示{しじ}する


        booking fee:    ブッキング?チャージ
        pay a fee:    料金[手数料{てすうりょう}?謝礼{しゃれい}]を払う
        failure to pay handling fee:    取り扱い{とりあつかい}手数料{てすうりょう}の不払い{ふばらい}
        pay a fat fee:    たんまり手数料{てすうりょう}を払う
        pay a fee up-front:    料金{りょうきん}を前払いする
        pay a flat fee:    定額{ていがく}を支払う{しはらう}
        pay a hefty fee:    高額{こうがく}な料金{りょうきん}[費用{ひよう}]を支払う{しはらう}
        pay a large fee:    高い料金{りょうきん}を払う
        pay a licensing fee:    ライセンス料金{りょうきん}を支払う{しはらう}
        pay a membership fee:    会費を払う
        pay a registration fee:    参加料{さんか りょう}[登録料{とうろく りょう}]を支払う{しはらう}
        pay a registration fee for:    ~のために登録料{とうろく りょう}を支払う{しはらう}、~への参加料{さんか りょう}を支払う{しはらう}
        pay a registration fee for the software:    ソフトウェアの使用料金{しよう りょうきん}を支払う{しはらう}
        pay a registration fee to:    ~に参加料{さんか りょう}を支払う{しはらう}
        pay a school fee:    授業料{じゅぎょうりょう}を納める


  1. "instruct step key" 意味
  2. "instruct the delegation to return home" 意味
  3. "instruct the national safety committee to take emergency response measures" 意味
  4. "instruct the pilot of the airplane to ascend to avoid a collision" 意味
  5. "instruct to begin an immediate investigation" 意味
  6. "instructed" 意味
  7. "instructed by the beneficiary" 意味
  8. "instructed on how to deal with employees with aids" 意味
  9. "instructed to" 意味
  10. "instruct the pilot of the airplane to ascend to avoid a collision" 意味
  11. "instruct to begin an immediate investigation" 意味
  12. "instructed" 意味
  13. "instructed by the beneficiary" 意味

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