insurance against times when 意味

  • ~の時の備え


        as insurance against bad times:    不況に備えて
        there are times when:    there are times when ことがある
        when times are bad:    景気{けいき}の悪いとき
        when times are good:    景気{けいき}の良いとき
        go against the current of the times:    流れ[時流{じりゅう}?時代{じだい}の潮流{ちょうりゅう}?時流{じりゅう}?時勢{じせい}?時の勢い?大勢{おおぜい}?世間{せけん}の風潮{ふうちょう}]に逆らう[逆行{ぎゃっこう}する]、逆コースを行く You are swimming [going, running] against the tide [current] (of the times) if you do not fo
        go against the tide of the times:    流れ[時流{じりゅう}?時代{じだい}の潮流{ちょうりゅう}?時流{じりゅう}?時勢{じせい}?時の勢い?大勢{おおぜい}?世間{せけん}の風潮{ふうちょう}]に逆らう[逆行{ぎゃっこう}する]、逆コースを行く You are swimming [going, running] against the tide [current] (of the times) if you do not fo
        go against the times:    逆コースを行く、時勢に逆らう、時代に逆行する
        run against the current of the times:    流れ[時流{じりゅう}?時代{じだい}の潮流{ちょうりゅう}?時流{じりゅう}?時勢{じせい}?時の勢い?大勢{おおぜい}?世間{せけん}の風潮{ふうちょう}]に逆らう[逆行{ぎゃっこう}する]、逆コースを行く You are swimming [going, running] against the tide [current] (of the times) if you do not fo
        run against the tide of the times:    流れ[時流{じりゅう}?時代{じだい}の潮流{ちょうりゅう}?時流{じりゅう}?時勢{じせい}?時の勢い?大勢{おおぜい}?世間{せけん}の風潮{ふうちょう}]に逆らう[逆行{ぎゃっこう}する]、逆コースを行く You are swimming [going, running] against the tide [current] (of the times) if you do not fo
        swim against the current of the times:    流れ[時流{じりゅう}?時代{じだい}の潮流{ちょうりゅう}?時流{じりゅう}?時勢{じせい}?時の勢い?大勢{おおぜい}?世間{せけん}の風潮{ふうちょう}]に逆らう[逆行{ぎゃっこう}する]、逆コースを行く You are swimming [going, running] against the tide [current] (of the times) if you do not fo
        swim against the tide of the times:    流れ[時流{じりゅう}?時代{じだい}の潮流{ちょうりゅう}?時流{じりゅう}?時勢{じせい}?時の勢い?大勢{おおぜい}?世間{せけん}の風潮{ふうちょう}]に逆らう[逆行{ぎゃっこう}する]、逆コースを行く You are swimming [going, running] against the tide [current] (of the times) if you do not fo
        when seen against:    ~を背景{はいけい}にして見ると
        as insurance against theft:    盗難に備えて
        claim against insurance company:    未収保険金{みしゅう ほけんきん}
        contract of insurance against loss:    損害保険契約{そんがい ほけん けいやく}


  1. "insurance against oppression" 意味
  2. "insurance against ordinary risks such as" 意味
  3. "insurance against sickness" 意味
  4. "insurance against theft" 意味
  5. "insurance against thieves" 意味
  6. "insurance against traffic accidents" 意味
  7. "insurance age" 意味
  8. "insurance agency" 意味
  9. "insurance agency agreement" 意味
  10. "insurance against theft" 意味
  11. "insurance against thieves" 意味
  12. "insurance against traffic accidents" 意味
  13. "insurance age" 意味

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