integral calculus 意味

発音を聞く:   integral calculusの例文
  • integral calculus


  1. for the first time in this world , in mechanization of calculation of differential integral calculus ...
    世界で初めて 微分積分の計算の 機械化に...。
  2. it is widely recognized that he came very close to discovering differential and integral calculus , just before it was introduced by issac newton and gottfried leibniz .
  3. the structure and effect (flying capability ) of yumiya has been developed by trial and error in various parts of the world since the period when the idea of dynamics and parabola (differential and integral calculus ) were not created , which led to the development of early machine engineering by producing the machine bow and the catapult .


        (differential and integral) calculus:    (differential and integral) calculus 微積分 びせきぶん
        differential and integral calculus:    微積分{びせきぶん}
        calculus:     calculus n. 〔数学〕 微積分学; 〔医学〕 結石. 【動詞+】 study calculus 微積分学を学ぶ. 【形容詞 名詞+】 receive an introduction to differential calculus 微分学の手ほどきを受ける elementary calculus 初等微積分学 integral c
        integral:     integral adj. 欠かせない. 【+前置詞】 This point is integral to your plan. この点はあなたの計画で欠かせない A glib tongue is integral to a politician's success. 達者な弁舌が政治家の成功には不可欠だ Technological innovation
        integral to:    ~に不可欠{ふかけつ}な The freedom and opportunities are so integral to the success of our country. 自由と機会はわが国の成功に非常に不可欠である。
        integral with:    ~と一体で[になって] That has a propeller gearbox integral with rear axle. それには後ろ車軸と一体になったプロペラ用ギアボックスがある。
        alternating calculus:    alternating calculus 交代結石[医生]
        apatite calculus:    apatite calculus リン灰石結石[医生]
        arithmetic calculus:    算術計算{さんじゅつ けいさん}
        arthritic calculus:    関節結石{かんせつ けっせき}
        articular calculus:    関節石灰沈着{かんせつ せっかい ちんちゃく}
        basic calculus:    初歩的{しょほてき}な計算{けいさん}
        biliary calculus:    胆石{たんせき}
        bladder calculus:    膀胱結石{ぼうこう けっせき}
        blood calculus:    blood calculus 血液結石[医生]


  1. "integral approximation" 意味
  2. "integral bladed circular member" 意味
  3. "integral blend" 意味
  4. "integral body" 意味
  5. "integral boundary" 意味
  6. "integral capacitance" 意味
  7. "integral capacity" 意味
  8. "integral characteristic" 意味
  9. "integral closure" 意味
  10. "integral body" 意味
  11. "integral boundary" 意味
  12. "integral capacitance" 意味
  13. "integral capacity" 意味

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