interruption 意味

発音記号: [ ˌintə'rʌpʃən ]発音を聞く   interruptionの例文


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. without interruption . what's that supposed to mean ?
    別なんです。 何だ? そりゃ。
  2. meantime , we apologize for the interruption .
    約束します お見苦しい所をお見せしました
  3. i'm almost there , and there's interruption .
    あとちょっとのところで 邪魔が入るのよね
  4. sorry for the interruption . i'm captain renard .
    お邪魔してすみません 警部のレナードと申します
  5. you think your betrayal's removed by its interruption ?



  1. "interrupting device" 意味
  2. "interrupting signal" 意味
  3. "interrupting source" 意味
  4. "interrupting test" 意味
  5. "interrupting time" 意味
  6. "interruption code" 意味
  7. "interruption duration index" 意味
  8. "interruption frequency index" 意味
  9. "interruption handler" 意味
  10. "interrupting test" 意味
  11. "interrupting time" 意味
  12. "interruption code" 意味
  13. "interruption duration index" 意味

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