investigation headquarters 意味

  • 捜査本部{そうさ ほんぶ}


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. the investigation headquarters at omiya police station
  2. what about the investigation headquarters ?
    さすがは警視です。 捜査本部にこのことは?
  3. takanashiyama corpse abandonment investigation headquarters
    白骨化した遺体は 財布に入っていた免許証から
  4. starting tomorrow , the investigation headquarters will be closed .
  5. if it's about that , the investigation headquarters was disbanded .
    そのヤマは もう捜査本部も解散だ。



  1. "investigation division" 意味
  2. "investigation firm" 意味
  3. "investigation for tax" 意味
  4. "investigation group" 意味
  5. "investigation has revealed that" 意味
  6. "investigation into allegations" 意味
  7. "investigation into the cause of" 意味
  8. "investigation into the fate of missing japanese nationals who the japanese government suspects were kidnapped by north korean agents" 意味
  9. "investigation into the financial status" 意味
  10. "investigation group" 意味
  11. "investigation has revealed that" 意味
  12. "investigation into allegations" 意味
  13. "investigation into the cause of" 意味

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