itの積極的な活用: proactive approach to IT 高齢者の積極的な活用: active utilization of the elderly 企業の積極的な活動: active operation of businesses 手段を通じて積極的に追求される: be actively pursued through various means including〔~といったさまざまな〕 同じ作用を通じて: through the same mechanism 判例の積み重ねを通じて: through an accumulation of judicial precedents 活用を積極的に促進する: actively promote use of〔~の〕 積極的活用を推進する: promote the active utilization of〔~の〕 男女同権主義者にの積極的な活動の有効性を疑う: doubt the effectivity of feminist activism 予防外交の積極的な推進: vigorous promotion of preventive diplomacy 制度の積極的な広報活動: active public relations for the system 国民の積極的な支援: public's firm support 地域住民の積極的な参加: active participation of community residents 地域社会の積極的な支援: active support of the local communities 外来患者の積極的な治療: aggressive outpatient management