- 積ん読
just pile up and remain unread 意味
- "just past the threshold, he stopped" 意味
- "just picked" 意味
- "just picture" 意味
- "just picture to yourselves the horror of it" 意味
- "just picture to yourselves the horror with which i gazed on that scene" 意味
- "just plain folk" 意味
- "just playing games" 意味
- "just plug it in, and you'll get hot water" 意味
- "just pocket your pride and accept that you were mistaken" 意味
- "just picture to yourselves the horror of it" 意味
- "just picture to yourselves the horror with which i gazed on that scene" 意味
- "just plain folk" 意味
- "just playing games" 意味