keep head and arms inside the window while the car is in motion 意味

  • 車が動いているときは窓から顔や手を出さない



  1. "keep handy" 意味
  2. "keep hard drive utilization as low as possible" 意味
  3. "keep harping on one string" 意味
  4. "keep harping on the word values as" 意味
  5. "keep hawks for hunting" 意味
  6. "keep head stationary on pillow" 意味
  7. "keep head up, shoulders back, chest out and back straight" 意味
  8. "keep headlights on during the day" 意味
  9. "keep hearing about" 意味
  10. "keep harping on the word values as" 意味
  11. "keep hawks for hunting" 意味
  12. "keep head stationary on pillow" 意味
  13. "keep head up, shoulders back, chest out and back straight" 意味

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