kept intact 意味

  • 《be ~》手付かずのままである


  1. (it is unclear , however , how much of such a secrecy had been kept intact .)
  2. however the richly colors of the mural paintings kept intact and part of burial goods that escaped grave robbing were discovered at the time .
  3. the original burnt murals are kept intact with the burnt pillars in a repository next to daihozoden (treasure house ) in the horyu-ji temple , and are not open for general viewing .


        intact:    intact 全き まったき
        kept:    {動} : keep の過去?過去分詞形 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】ke'pt、【@】ケプト
        cognitively intact:    《be ~》(患者{かんじゃ}などが)認識力{にんしき りょく}が保たれている
        found intact:    《be ~》無傷{むきず}で見つかる[見つけられる] This bone was found intact on the desert. この骨は砂漠で無傷で見つけられた。
        intact body:    傷ついていない死体、損傷していない遺体
        intact cell:    無傷細胞{むきず さいぼう}
        intact family:    ノーマルな夫婦?親子関係を維持している
        intact male:    童貞{どうてい}の男性{だんせい}
        intact membrane:    無傷膜{むきず まく}
        intact nature:    手つかずの自然{しぜん}
        intact plant:    無傷植物{むきず しょくぶつ}
        intact portion:    無傷{むきず}の部分{ぶぶん}
        intact skin:    傷のない(きれいな)皮[表皮{ひょうひ}]
        intact stability:    intact stability 非損傷時復原性[機械]
        intact strength:    完全強度{かんぜん きょうど}


  1. "kept in isolation" 意味
  2. "kept in solitary confinement" 意味
  3. "kept in store" 意味
  4. "kept in suspense all the time" 意味
  5. "kept incommunicado" 意味
  6. "kept mistress" 意味
  7. "kept moist by fluid" 意味
  8. "kept on a short leash" 意味
  9. "kept on intravenous drips around the clock" 意味
  10. "kept in suspense all the time" 意味
  11. "kept incommunicado" 意味
  12. "kept mistress" 意味
  13. "kept moist by fluid" 意味

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