(it is unclear , however , how much of such a secrecy had been kept intact .) (実際にどの程度秘密が守られたかは不明。)
however the richly colors of the mural paintings kept intact and part of burial goods that escaped grave robbing were discovered at the time . しかし壁画の彩色は鮮やかに残り、盗掘をまぬがれた副葬品の一部もこの時検出された。
the original burnt murals are kept intact with the burnt pillars in a repository next to daihozoden (treasure house ) in the horyu-ji temple , and are not open for general viewing . 焼け焦げたオリジナルの壁画は法隆寺内の大宝蔵殿の隣の収蔵庫に、焼け焦げた柱などと共に保管されているが、一般には公開されていない。