kindness of 意味

発音を聞く:   kindness ofの例文
  • ~氏に託して


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. is it the kindness of leaving that ino wins ?
    手を抜いて 井野に勝ちを譲れば それが優しさか?
  2. if you can remember the kindness of your own mother
  3. if you can remember the kindness of your spouse
  4. but ... i believe in the innate kindness of children .
    でも 私は子どもたちの優しさを 信じたいんです。
  5. to leverage the kindness of strangers .


        by the kindness of:    ~の好意で
        kindness:     kindness n. 親切, 好意. 【動詞+】 abuse sb's kindness 人の親切につけこむ Accept his kindness with gratitude. 彼の好意をありがたく受けなさい Let me take this opportunity to acknowledge all the kindnesses I have r
        with kindness:    親切{しんせつ}に
        (your) kindness:    (your) kindness 芳志 ほうし
        a small kindness:    a small kindness 小善 しょうぜん
        affectation of kindness:    うわべだけの親切{しんせつ}、わざとらしい親切{しんせつ}
        all kindness:    《be ~》親切そのものである、親切{しんせつ}に満ちている The girl is much liked because she is all kindness. その少女は親切そのもので、とても人気があった。
        characteristic kindness:    《one's ~》持ち前の親切{しんせつ}
        deep kindness:    厚恩{こうおん}
        do a kindness to:    ~に親切を尽くす、~にセックスをしてやる
        exceeding kindness:    非常{ひじょう}な親切{しんせつ}
        extend a kindness to:    ~に親切{しんせつ}にする
        feel a kindness for:    ~に好意{こうい}を抱く
        great kindness:    大きな親切{しんせつ}
        have a kindness for:    (人)が何となく好きだ、(人)に好意を寄せる


  1. "kindly weather" 意味
  2. "kindly words of advice" 意味
  3. "kindness" 意味
  4. "kindness and affection" 意味
  5. "kindness is one of her obvious attributes" 意味
  6. "kindness of heart" 意味
  7. "kindness of women" 意味
  8. "kindness personified" 意味
  9. "kindness to a stranger" 意味
  10. "kindness and affection" 意味
  11. "kindness is one of her obvious attributes" 意味
  12. "kindness of heart" 意味
  13. "kindness of women" 意味

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