kindness 意味

発音記号: [ 'kaindnis ]発音を聞く   kindnessの例文


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. oh my , your kindness overwhelms me . therefore
    まぁ 何て お優しいんでしょう。 ですから
  2. honesty , courtesy and kindness are practiced by all .
  3. i'm asking for your kindness . please excuse me .
    よろしく お願いします。 失礼します。
  4. i accepted you as a patient out of kindness .
    だが 私は親切心から 患者として君を受け入れた
  5. for all the kindness you have bestowed upon me .
    心吉し凵ガきり竇 己さ凵ま百 鮒 凵や凵や



  1. "kindly tone" 意味
  2. "kindly touch someone's arm" 意味
  3. "kindly visit" 意味
  4. "kindly weather" 意味
  5. "kindly words of advice" 意味
  6. "kindness and affection" 意味
  7. "kindness is one of her obvious attributes" 意味
  8. "kindness of" 意味
  9. "kindness of heart" 意味
  10. "kindly weather" 意味
  11. "kindly words of advice" 意味
  12. "kindness and affection" 意味
  13. "kindness is one of her obvious attributes" 意味

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