ペアを組む: partner off
予定を組む: set a schedule
党派を組む: 1. band together 2. form a clique 3. form a faction
円陣を組む: 1. go into a huddle 2. make [form] a circle
列を組む: organize files
団体を組む: 団体を組む だんたいをくむ to form an organization
座禅を組む: 1. seat in a kneeling position 2. sit in Zen meditation 3. sit in meditation
徒党を組む: 徒党を組む v. cabal |自|徒党を組む, 共謀する;conspire |自|《正式》〔人と〕共謀する(together)〔with〕 (見出しへ戻る headword ? 徒党)
戦隊を組む: assemble a squadron
手を組む: 手を組む てをくむ to join hands together
手を組む 1: join hands 手を組む 2 1. cooperate with 2. hook up with 3. join hands [forces] with 4. stand in with 5. throw in with〔~と〕 手を組む 3 side with〔協力〕〔人と〕
手を組む〔~と〕: 【他動】 ally
活字を組む: 活字を組む かつじをくむ to set type
特集を組む: put together the feature story on〔~の〕
糸を組む: 糸を組む いとをくむ to braid string