lead to the heyday of 意味

  • ~の全盛期{ぜんせいき}を築く


        heyday:     heyday n. 全盛期. 【動詞+】 The unknown tennis player enjoyed a heyday after he defeated the champion. その無名のテニス選手はチャンピオンを破ったあと栄光の日々を味わった Horror movies are having a heyday. ホラー映画は今全盛を迎えている.
        in the heyday of:    ~の真っただ中に
        heyday of militarism:    軍国主義{ぐんこく しゅぎ}の最盛期{さいせいき}
        in one's heyday:    絶頂期{ぜっちょう き}には、花盛りである
        in the heyday of youth:    血気盛りに
        at the end of its heyday:    《be ~》全盛期{ぜんせいき}の終わりを迎える
        during the heyday of the bubble:    バブル絶頂期{ぜっちょう き}に
        during the heyday of the bubble economy:    バブル全盛期{ぜんせいき}の間
        heyday of someone's time:    (人)の全盛期{ぜんせいき}
        hollywood in its heyday:    黄金時代{おうごん じだい}のハリウッド
        in the heyday of its power:    《be ~》全盛を極める
        live through the bubble economy heyday:    バブル経済全盛期{けいざい ぜん せいき}を生きる
        be in the lead:     be in the léad 先頭である;リードしている.
        in the lead:    先頭{せんとう}で、首位{しゅい}に立って、トップを切って、優勢{ゆうせい}で◆【同】superior
        lead:     1lead n. 先頭(の位置), 指導; 手本, 模範; 首位, リード; 手がかり; 主役; 〔電気〕 導線; (アンテナ)引き込み線; (犬などの)引きひも. 【動詞+】 assume the lead in the competition for the Chinese Market 中国市場獲得の競争で先頭に立つ attach the leads of a v


  1. "lead to the fulfillment of someone's role of" 意味
  2. "lead to the further creation of wealth" 意味
  3. "lead to the further development of the economy" 意味
  4. "lead to the future economic revival of" 意味
  5. "lead to the grounding of the entire fleet" 意味
  6. "lead to the holding of" 意味
  7. "lead to the impoverishment of people in fishing villages" 意味
  8. "lead to the initiation of" 意味
  9. "lead to the issuance of more government bonds" 意味
  10. "lead to the future economic revival of" 意味
  11. "lead to the grounding of the entire fleet" 意味
  12. "lead to the holding of" 意味
  13. "lead to the impoverishment of people in fishing villages" 意味

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