- life n.
(1) 生命, 人命; 人; 生物, 実物; 人生, 世間; 生活, 生計; 生涯, 寿命; 終身刑.【動詞+】+もっと...- consecrate one's life to the service of the poor, the suffering, and the oppressed
貧しい者, 苦しむ者, 虐(しいた)げられた人々のために一生をささげる
- There are instances of men who on becoming blind have continued an active life.
- He commanded all Christians in his domain to become Saracens or forfeit their lives.
- Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and profound pity for the suffering of mankind.
単純だが圧倒的に強い 3 つの情熱が私の人生を支配してきた, すなわち愛へのあこがれ, 知識の探求, そして人類の苦しみへの深い憐れみである
- She laid her life on the line to get scenes of the bloody coup on film
- The difference between an artist and a zealot is that the latter will lay down his life for a cause.
- I would live my life without a single change if I were made to live it again.
- Don't make life difficult for yourself. Do what your doctor orders.
わざわざ不幸を呼ぶようなことはするな, 主治医の命令に従えばいいんだ
【+動詞】- In a farm village life seems to go on relatively untouched by the convulsions of the larger world.
【形容詞 名詞+】- It's a bad life when you work 12 hours a day and still your family hasn't enough to eat. 1
日 12 時間も働いてなお家族に十分な食物がないのは悪い生活だ
- The carefree life of his classmates, by its very contrast with his own, generated an unassuageable bitterness within his heart.
クラスメートたちののんきな生活と自分の生活を較べると, そのあまりの違いから彼の心の中にいやしがたい苦痛が生じた
- At the middle of the fifth month of fetal life occurs the phenomenon of “quickening."
妊娠 5 か月目の中ほどに?胎動?現象が起こる
- Some elderly patients get so used to hospital life, they refuse to go home.
- Loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be.
- As a boy he craved affection and this trait remained with him in later life.
- Only the best books represent the accumulated experience of actively lived lives.
- He lived many lives; he was a traveler, an explorer, a mighty hunter, a soldier, and a sailor.
実にいろいろな生活をした. 旅人であり, 探検家であり, すぐれた狩猟家であり, 軍人であり, 船乗りでもあった
- You must give up these romantic notions and lead a more practical life.
- It is no longer excusable that medical students should enter professional life without a knowledge of scientific psychology.
【前置詞+】- misrepresentation of British life in American films of the thirties and forties 1930
年代と 40 年代のアメリカ映画におけるイギリス生活の誤った描写
- It's a fact of life that you need to have money in order to make money.
【+前置詞】【雑】- I walked into the restaurant, and there was Tony, (as) big as life, sitting at a corner table.
(2) 生気, 活気.【動詞+】- The new chairman of the board has succeeded in breathing new life into the once failing company.
【+動詞】【形容詞 名詞+】【前置詞+】(3) 伝記.【動詞+】【形容詞 名詞+】【+前置詞】- “The Lives of the English Poets" by Dr. Johnson
life span n. 生涯, 寿命.【動詞+】【形容詞 名詞+】- batteries with a short life span
- consecrate one's life to the service of the poor, the suffering, and the oppressed
life 意味
- life n.
(1) 生命, 人命; 人; 生物, 実物; 人生, 世間; 生活, 生計; 生涯, 寿命; 終身刑.【動詞+】+もっと...
もっと例文: 次へ>- take charge of your life for as long as it lasts .
命がある限り 己の人生の主導権を握れ - i don't know how to thank you for saving my life .
命を救ってもらって 感謝の言葉も無いわ - meaning , pay for the life you took with your own ?
奪った命は 命で返せってことですか? - i would gladly give my life for hers , mr fields .
彼女のためなら 喜んで俺の命を捧げる - leading the world , living its own life .