like trusting a wolf to watch over sheep 意味

  • 猫にかつお節
    If you can't trust me, who can you trust?
    Thank you for trusting my judgment.
    I couldn't trust myself to express my real feelings.
    I don't trust myself to recognize the truth.


        watch over like a mother hawk:    優しいまなざしで見守る{みまもる}
        a wolf in sheep's clothing:     a wólf in shéep's clóthing 羊の皮をかぶったオオカミ,(敵意を隠した)偽善者.
        wolf in sheep's clothing:    wolf in sheep's clothing 猫被り ねこかぶり
        wolf in sheep's skin:    {1} : 《a ~》羊の皮を着た[かぶった]オオカミ、親切{しんせつ}を装った危険人物{きけん じんぶつ}、偽善者{ぎぜんしゃ}◆【用法】否定的な意味合いで。 You'll find a wolf in sheep's [lamb's] clothing [skin] wherever you go. どこに行っても偽善者はいるものだ。 ---------------------------
        like sheep:     lìke shéep 他人に影響されやすい.
        eat like a wolf:    もりもり食べる
        behave like a lot of sheep:    付和雷同{ふわらいどう}する、右に倣え方式で行動{こうどう}する
        cows, sheep, and the like:    牛だの羊だの
        follow like sheep:    従順に従う、盲従する
        go like sheep:    盲目的{もうもくてき}に従う
        like sheep to the slaughter:    抵抗{ていこう}なく、無残{むざん}にも
        to watch over:    to watch over 見守る みまもる
        watch over:    ~の世話{せわ}をする、~を見守る{みまもる} Patty watched over Ed during his stay in the hospital. エドが入院していたとき、パティーが彼の世話をした。
        trusting:    {形} : 信じて疑わない、信頼{しんらい}を寄せている◆trust(動詞で「信じる」、名詞で「信頼」)から派生。相手への信頼感から、疑問を抱かない様子を指す。trust の派生語?関連語は、distrust(動詞で「疑う」、名詞で「不信」)、形容詞 trustworthy(信頼できる)、名詞 trustee(管財人)など数多い。 To many people, dogs seem trust
        drink like a fish and eat like a wolf:    牛飲馬食{ぎゅういん ばしょく}する


  1. "like to speak about" 意味
  2. "like to stay at home" 意味
  3. "like to talk" 意味
  4. "like to travel in the spring" 意味
  5. "like traveling light" 意味
  6. "like trying to put the orange juice back in the orange after it's been squeezed" 意味
  7. "like two peas in a pod" 意味
  8. "like two peas in a pod with" 意味
  9. "like two sides of a coin" 意味
  10. "like to travel in the spring" 意味
  11. "like traveling light" 意味
  12. "like trying to put the orange juice back in the orange after it's been squeezed" 意味
  13. "like two peas in a pod" 意味

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