man of poor reputation
<→PERSON of poor reputation>
man of no reputation
person of poor reputation
: 評判{ひょうばん}の悪い人
poor man
: poor man 貧乏人 びんぼうにん
poor man's
: {形} : (商品{しょうひん}などが)廉価版{れんかばん}の、お徳用の、経済的{けいざい てき}な、安っぽい
the poor man's
: the póor màn's O …の代用品,廉価版.
rich man, poor man
: {著作} : 富めるもの貧しきもの◆米1970《著》アーウィン?ショー(Irwin Shaw)
man of bad reputation
man of established reputation
man of good reputation
man of high reputation
man of someone's reputation
bad reputation about the poor service
: お粗末なサービスについての悪評{あくひょう}
make a poor reputation in one's neighborhood
: 近所{きんじょ}で評判{ひょうばん}がよくない
a poor man's tale of a patent
: {著作} : 貧乏人{びんぼうにん}の特許物語{とっきょ ものがたり}◆チャールズ?ディケンズ作
man of poor physique
"man of pleasant address" 意味
"man of pleasing appearance" 意味
"man of pleasure" 意味
"man of pluck" 意味
"man of poor physique" 意味
"man of position" 意味
"man of power" 意味
"man of powerful physique" 意味
"man of principle" 意味
"man of pluck" 意味
"man of poor physique" 意味
"man of position" 意味
"man of power" 意味
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