matter of concern 意味

発音を聞く:   matter of concernの例文
  • 気がかりな事柄、関心事{かんしんじ}、重要問題{じゅうよう もんだい}、由々しき問題{もんだい}、憂慮{ゆうりょ}すべき事態{じたい}、懸案事項{けんあんじこう}◆単数形は a matter of concern、複数形は matters of concern


  1. is a matter of concern right now .



  1. "matter of common knowledge" 意味
  2. "matter of common knowledge among scientists" 意味
  3. "matter of common occurrence" 意味
  4. "matter of common practice" 意味
  5. "matter of common sense" 意味
  6. "matter of concern and interest" 意味
  7. "matter of concern to the entire world" 意味
  8. "matter of conscience" 意味
  9. "matter of consequence" 意味
  10. "matter of common practice" 意味
  11. "matter of common sense" 意味
  12. "matter of concern and interest" 意味
  13. "matter of concern to the entire world" 意味

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