- 気がかりな事柄、関心事{かんしんじ}、重要問題{じゅうよう もんだい}、由々しき問題{もんだい}、憂慮{ゆうりょ}すべき事態{じたい}、懸案事項{けんあんじこう}◆単数形は a matter of concern、複数形は matters of concern
matter of concern 意味
- is a matter of concern right now .
- "matter of common knowledge" 意味
- "matter of common knowledge among scientists" 意味
- "matter of common occurrence" 意味
- "matter of common practice" 意味
- "matter of common sense" 意味
- "matter of concern and interest" 意味
- "matter of concern to the entire world" 意味
- "matter of conscience" 意味
- "matter of consequence" 意味
- "matter of common practice" 意味
- "matter of common sense" 意味
- "matter of concern and interest" 意味
- "matter of concern to the entire world" 意味