for example , according to the record of the observations in mt . kojin-dake near nosegawa village , it was -1 .9 ℃ in january (4 .6 ℃ in kashihara city in the same month ), 21 .3 ℃ in august (27 .7 ℃ in kashihara ), 9 .7 ℃ on yearly average (1 .56 ℃ in kashihara ); in totsukawa which is warmer than the mountain , the maximum temperature in summer was about 25 ℃ and the minimum temperature in winter was below 10 ℃ , therefore it is regarded as a cold or cool climate . 例えば野迫川村の荒神岳での観測記録によれば、1月には摂氏マイナス1.9度(同月の橿原市4.6度)、8月で21.3度(同27.7度)、年平均9.7度(同15.6度)で、より温暖な十津川でも、夏季の最高気温は25度前後、冬季の最低気温は10度を下回り、寒冷ないし冷涼な気候である。