meeting ground 意味

発音を聞く:   meeting groundの例文
  • 集会場{しゅうかいじょう}


  1. a first-year education program aiming to provide an ideal meeting ground between students and teachers - systematic education reform in the large-scale faculty and the measurement of its effect- .
  2. the curriculum for the faculty of commerce was adopted as a support program for distinctive university education in 2007; a first-year education program aiming to provide an ideal meeting ground between students and teachers - systematic education reform in the large-scale faculty and the measurement of its effect- .


        (find) common (meeting) ground:    (find) common (meeting) ground 妥協点 だきょうてん
        a meeting:    a meeting 寄り合い よりあい
        at a meeting:    会に出席{しゅっせき}して、席上で
        at the meeting:    at the meeting 席上 せきじょう
        in a meeting:    会議中{かいぎちゅう}で、会談中{かいだんちゅう}で I'm sorry, he's in a meeting now. 《電話》あいにくただ今会議中でして。
        meeting:     meeting n. 会, 会議, 集会; 会衆; 会合, 会見; 出会い, 遭遇; 接合点. 【動詞+】 address a public meeting 公開の席で演説する adjourn a meeting 会を延期する The meeting was adjourned for two weeks to November 17. 会は 11 月
        (the) ground:    (the) ground 地盤 じばん
        ground:    1ground n. (1) 土地, 地面, 地所; 地歩, 立場, 意見; 分野, 話題; 敷地, 構内, 庭園; 地模様, 下地. 【動詞+】 break ground for the Exposition 博覧会場の起工をする The book breaks new ground. その著作は新方面を開拓している The article breaks
        in the ground:    地中に、場内{じょうない}で
        into the ground:    地面{じめん}に倒れるまで、体力{たいりょく}が尽きるまで
        on ground of:    《on (the) ground of》~を根拠[理由?口実?都合?原因]に[として]、~に基づいて、~の根拠[理由?口実?都合?原因]で、~を考慮して、~のために、~のかどで◆複数形の grounds が使われることもある。 The appeal was lodged on (the) ground of misdirection. They might have to get a divo
        on ground that:    《on (the) ground that》(that 以下)を根拠[理由?口実?都合?原因]として、(that 以下)という根拠[理由?口実?都合?原因]で、(that 以下)ということを考慮{こうりょ}して_◆複数形の grounds が使われることもある。 I refuse to answer on (the) ground that it might incriminate me.
        on the ground:    {1} : 地面{じめん}に(じかに)、地表面{ちひょう めん}に(じかに)、地上{ちじょう}に、地上{ちじょう}の Lay down on the ground! ; Get on the ground! 地面に伏せろ! Throw your guns on the ground. 銃を捨てろ。 Put [Drop] your weapons on the ground! 武器を下に置け!
        to the ground:    徹底的に、完全に、十分に、全く、すべての点で◆【同】down to the ground
        ground to ground:    ground to ground 対地 たいち


  1. "meeting for announcing the results" 意味
  2. "meeting for preservation of the former sanadayama army cemetery" 意味
  3. "meeting for reading research papers" 意味
  4. "meeting for reviewing (e.g. past activities of the club)" 意味
  5. "meeting for those who are interested in" 意味
  6. "meeting hall" 意味
  7. "meeting head on" 意味
  8. "meeting held in confidence" 意味
  9. "meeting her there was a golden chance to get to know her better" 意味
  10. "meeting for reviewing (e.g. past activities of the club)" 意味
  11. "meeting for those who are interested in" 意味
  12. "meeting hall" 意味
  13. "meeting head on" 意味

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