meters 意味

発音を聞く:   metersの例文
  • {名} : 《コ》メートル


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. con , sonar . two fish in the water , 1 ,000 meters .
    "ソナー 魚雷2本 1000m"
  2. just 90 meters from the surface . that's reachable ..
    海面から90mの 手が届く深さだ
  3. that's impossible ; it's 700 meters from there !
    無理です ここからでは 距離がありすぎます
  4. when that ice melts , sea level rises by six meters .
  5. 82 ,000 koku crop yields in total (14791 .98 cubic meters ).



  1. "metering voltage transformer" 意味
  2. "metering zone" 意味
  3. "metering-rod jet" 意味
  4. "meterout circuit" 意味
  5. "meterreader" 意味
  6. "meters in thickness" 意味
  7. "meters of cotton cloth" 意味
  8. "meters to the left of the goal" 意味
  9. "meters to the right of the goal" 意味
  10. "meterout circuit" 意味
  11. "meterreader" 意味
  12. "meters in thickness" 意味
  13. "meters of cotton cloth" 意味

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