most realist narrative 意味

  • 《the ~》一番{いちばん}リアリスティックな物語{ものがたり}


        a realist:    a realist 現実主義者 げんじつしゅぎしゃ 写実主義者 しゃじつしゅぎしゃ
        realist:     realist n. 現実主義者, リアリスト. 【形容詞 名詞+】 He was a hard-bitten realist obsessed with the bottom line. 損得勘定にとりつかれた頑強な現実主義者だった hardheaded realists who knew that the only way to achieve peace was
        a narrative:    a narrative 語り物 かたりもの
        narrative:     narrative n. 物語, 話; 説話, 話術, 語り口. 【動詞+】 When the noise died down, he continued his narrative. 騒ぎが静まると, 話を続けた She embellished her narrative with fictional details. 話にこまごまとした作り事を付け加えて潤色した
        hyper-realist:    {形} :
        realist painter:    写実主義{しゃじつ しゅぎ}の画家{がか}
        realist sculptor:    写実主義{しゃじつ しゅぎ}の彫刻家{ちょうこくか}
        socio realist:    {名} :
        socio-realist:    {名} : 社会的現実主義(者){しゃかい てき げんじつ しゅぎ(しゃ)}
        call oneself a realist:    現実主義者{げんじつ しゅぎしゃ}と名乗る{なのる}
        animated narrative:    生き生きした物語{ものがたり}
        biblical narrative:    聖書{せいしょ}の物語{ものがたり}
        canvas of a narrative:    物語{ものがたり}の背景{はいけい}
        clear narrative:    明確{めいかく}な物語{ものがたり}
        continuity of a narrative:    一続きの物語


  1. "most pulp" 意味
  2. "most qualified candidate" 意味
  3. "most qualified candidate for the job" 意味
  4. "most qualified electronics company to assist in the program" 意味
  5. "most rain ever recorded in a 24-hour period" 意味
  6. "most recent" 意味
  7. "most recent ancestor" 意味
  8. "most recent catalog" 意味
  9. "most recent information on the so-called asbestos crisis" 意味
  10. "most qualified electronics company to assist in the program" 意味
  11. "most rain ever recorded in a 24-hour period" 意味
  12. "most recent" 意味
  13. "most recent ancestor" 意味

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