mother-to-be 意味

発音を聞く:   mother-to-beの例文
  • {名} : 妊婦{にんぷ}、母となる人、妊娠中{にんしんちゅう}の女性{じょせい}


        be mother:     be móther ((略式))お茶をいれる.
        mother:     mother n. 母; 女子修道院長; 根源. 【動詞+】 lose one's mother 母に死に別れる; 迷子になる At five he needed his mother. 5 歳では母親が必要だった pester one's mother for pocket money 母に小遣いをせがむ. 【+動詞】 His mothe
        mother to be:    {名} :
        absentee mother:    家にいない母親{ははおや}、働きに出ている母親{ははおや} Emily's mother was an absentee mother, who left her when she was a child.
        abusive mother:    虐待{ぎゃくたい}する母親{ははおや}
        adc mother:    児童福祉手当{じどう ふくし てあて}を受けている母親{ははおや}◆ADC=Aid to Dependent Children
        adopted mother:    養母{ようぼ}
        adoptive mother:    adoptive mother 養母 ようぼ
        adoring mother:    子どもを熱愛{ねつあい}する母親{ははおや}
        affectionate mother:    affectionate mother 慈母 じぼ
        aged mother:    aged mother 老母 ろうぼ
        aggressive mother:    ガミガミうるさい母親{ははおや}
        bachelor mother:    未婚{みこん}の母、女手一つで子どもを育てる母親{ははおや}
        become a mother:    母になる、子をはぐくむ、子を産む
        bedridden mother:    長く病臥中{びょうが ちゅう}の母


  1. "mother-of-pearl shell" 意味
  2. "mother-of-thyme" 意味
  3. "mother-old, baby-young" 意味
  4. "mother-out-law" 意味
  5. "mother-son relationships" 意味
  6. "mother-to-child transmission" 意味
  7. "mother-ugly" 意味
  8. "motherboard" 意味
  9. "motherboard hardware" 意味
  10. "mother-out-law" 意味
  11. "mother-son relationships" 意味
  12. "mother-to-child transmission" 意味
  13. "mother-ugly" 意味

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