i bet you consider yourself a mean motor scooter , don't you ? 自分の事を戦闘マシンと 思うだろう?
so you had a big 'fro on a motor scooter ? 大きな頭で スクーターに?
and she's on a motor scooter there スクーターに 乗っていますが
for safety reasons , however , it later became common for improved models of motorcycles , such as the demae-ki (which was equipped with an okamochi-dai , a fixture with springs and air cushions for the transportation of okamochi ), or a three-wheel motor scooter equipped with a carrier (e .g . honda gyro ) to be used for delivering okamochi . その後は安全のために、出前用のオートバイに出前機(スプリングやエアクッションがついた専用の岡持ち台)を取り付けるか、荷台のある3輪スクーター(ホンダ・ジャイロ)を使うことが普通になっている。