kijoshu sake was subsequently developed by the national tax agency , and the national research institute of brewing holds the patent for its manufacture . そして国税庁が開発し、酒類総合研究所が製造に関わる特許を保有する。
arbitrary items to be denoted , provided for in the standards for manufacturing methods and quality indication for sake for the national tax agency , are as follows: 国税庁の清酒の製法品質表示基準による任意記載事項は、以下のとおり。
the ' standard for seishu production process quality indications ' is defined in the following way by japanese national tax agency notification 8 , of november 22 , 1989 . 平成元年(1989年)11月22日 国税庁告示第8号「清酒の製法品質表示基準を定める件」により以下のとおり定められている。
with respect to the former , specific names and several items to be described as well as arbitrary items to be denoted and items which are prohibited from being denoted specified by the national tax agency . 前者においては、特定名称といくつかの記載事項・国税庁による任意記載事項・記載禁止事項が定められている。
because of that , the national tax agency maintains its statistics not with data of shipping and production volumes , but only with those shipped with tax , that is to say , taxable shipping volumes . このことから国税庁の資料では出荷量や生産量ではなく、あくまで税金がかかる出荷をした場合の数量、すなわち課税移出数量で統計を管理している。