- 世界経済{せかい けいざい}に対する悪影響{あくえいきょう}
negative impact on the world economy 意味
- "negative impact of tax increases" 意味
- "negative impact of the currency" 意味
- "negative impact of the dot-com era" 意味
- "negative impact of the protracted recession" 意味
- "negative impact on the credibility of" 意味
- "negative impacts coming from acceleration of disposal of npls" 意味
- "negative impedance" 意味
- "negative impedance converter" 意味
- "negative implications" 意味
- "negative impact of the protracted recession" 意味
- "negative impact on the credibility of" 意味
- "negative impacts coming from acceleration of disposal of npls" 意味
- "negative impedance" 意味