when tokihiro oe , who was appointed to kurodo (chamberlain ) of emperor juntoku , tried to go back to kyoto , being negligent of his duties in kamakura , sanetomo criticized him for making little of kamakura although he was gokenin ( " azuma kagami " (the mirror of the east ) the article of october 20 , the 6th year of kenpo ). また、順徳天皇の蔵人に任じられた大江時広が鎌倉での職務を疎かにして京都に戻ろうとするのを「御家人でありながら鎌倉を軽んじている」とたしなめている(『吾妻鏡』建保6年8月20日条)。
narisada mizuno , katsunari mizuno ' s son , became a hatamoto , but his son , nariyuki (jurozaemon ) mizuno , who had the chigyo (enfeoffment ) equivalent to 3 ,000 koku , killed banzuiin chobei after being in a fight with him; his wrongdoing was condoned for this time , however , after that , he was sent to his mother ' s family house , the hachisuka family , for being negligent of his duties . 水野勝成の子・水野成貞は、旗本となったが、その子・水野成之(十郎左衛門)知行3,000石が幡随院長兵衛と乱闘し殺害したことは不問に処されたが、その後行跡怠慢により母の実家の蜂須賀家にお預かりとなった。
eison regarded a revival of the precepts and the study of shingon esoteric buddhism as equally important , so he reprimanded his disciple ninsho for being negligent of the study by being too enthusiastic about social activities and propagation in eastern japan , and at the time of mongol invasion attempts against japan , he offered a prayer and ritual of esoteric buddhism at saidai-ji and shitenno-ji temples to repel the mongol empirical army . また、戒律復興と並行して真言密教の研究を重視しており、弟子の忍性が東国において社会活動や布教に熱を入れすぎて教学が疎かになっているのを窘めたり、元寇の際には西大寺や四天王寺などでモンゴル帝国軍撃退の祈祷や密教儀式を行っている。