negotiate with 意味

発音を聞く:   negotiate withの例文
  • ~と交渉{こうしょう}する


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. the staff had no choice but to negotiate with the students
  2. you think my father's going to negotiate with you ?
  3. negotiate with the tiger of kai if you want takeda's armour !
  4. the united states will not negotiate with terrorists .
  5. because i need you to negotiate with renly baratheon .


        negotiate:     negotiate v. 交渉する, 協定する; 《口語》 (道路などを)通り抜ける, (難局などを)切り抜ける. 【副詞1】 negotiate a turn cautiously (while driving a car) (車を運転しながら)曲がり角を慎重に通り抜ける negotiate directly with… …と直接交渉する He nego
        to negotiate:    to negotiate 話を付ける はなしをつける 掛け合わせる かけあわせる
        to negotiate with:    to negotiate with 掛け合う かけあう
        authority to negotiate:    手形買取授権書
        loath to negotiate on:    《be ~》~の交渉{こうしょう}をするのを嫌がる
        negotiate a benchmark:    目標値{もくひょう ち}を交渉{こうしょう}する
        negotiate a bill:    手形を切る、手形を割り引く、手形を流通させる
        negotiate a check:    小切手を譲渡する
        negotiate a compromise:    話し合いで歩み寄る
        negotiate a curve:    辛うじてカーブを曲がる
        negotiate a dispute:    争いを調停{ちょうてい}する
        negotiate a loan:    ローン[借款{しゃっかん}]の交渉{こうしょう}をする
        negotiate a note:    手形{てがた}を譲渡{じょうと}する
        negotiate a pact:    条約{じょうやく}を取り決める
        negotiate a peace:    和平交渉{わへい こうしょう}を行う


  1. "negotiate the withdrawal of some 2,000 cuban soldiers from nicaragua" 意味
  2. "negotiate to arrive at a solution" 意味
  3. "negotiate to move to another team" 意味
  4. "negotiate trade agreement with" 意味
  5. "negotiate wage agreements in talks with management" 意味
  6. "negotiate with a landlord about the rent" 意味
  7. "negotiate with all one's strength" 意味
  8. "negotiate with confidence to achieve a satisfying agreement" 意味
  9. "negotiate with criminals" 意味
  10. "negotiate trade agreement with" 意味
  11. "negotiate wage agreements in talks with management" 意味
  12. "negotiate with a landlord about the rent" 意味
  13. "negotiate with all one's strength" 意味

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