no amount of 意味

発音を聞く:   no amount ofの例文
  • 最大限{さいだいげん}の~ですら…ない


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. no amount of talk is gonna bring my wife back ...
    いくら話をしたところで 家内は帰って来ない
  2. no amount of advertising , no clever marketing campaign
    どんな広告も どんな販売戦略も
  3. no amount of smiling at a flight of stairs
    階段の昇降に苦労している時に どんなに微笑んでも
  4. no amount of training can prepare you for the world today .
  5. but actually there's no amount of drugs you can take


        amount:     1amount n. 総計; 数, 量, 額. 【動詞+】 I added the same amount to each plate. それぞれの皿に同じ量を付け加えた Any amount, however small, will be appreciated. どんなに少なくとも金額の多少にかかわらずありがたくお受けします How do they c
        amount to:    {1} : 合計{ごうけい}~になる、総計{そうけい}で~に達する The pass rate of the exam amounted to 51 percent. その試験の合格率は51%にものぼった。 The bill amounts to $__. その請求書の合計金額は_ドルになっている。 -----------------------------------------------
        in amount:    {1} : 総計{そうけい}で、トータルで(in total) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 結局{けっきょく}(のところ)
        not amount:    及ばない
        to amount to:    to amount to 及ぶ およぶ
        to the amount of:    ~だけ、総計~まで
        (amount of) money:    (amount of) money 金員 きんいん
        (amount of) production:    (amount of) production 産額 さんがく
        (amount of) traffic:    (amount of) traffic 運輸量 うんゆりょう
        abnormal amount:    異常量{いじょう りょう}
        absorbed amount:    吸収量{きゅうしゅうりょう}
        accumulated amount:    累積額{るいせき がく}
        acquisition amount:    取得量{しゅとく りょう}
        additional amount:    加算金{かさんきん}
        adequate amount:    適当量{てきとう りょう}


  1. "no alkali glass yarn" 意味
  2. "no allergic reaction occurred" 意味
  3. "no allowance" 意味
  4. "no alterations should be made unless absolutely necessary" 意味
  5. "no alternative" 意味
  6. "no amount of explanation can possibly give any adequate idea of the importance of…" 意味
  7. "no amount of profit could appease his hunger for money" 意味
  8. "no amount of subsequent jawboning could prevent someone from doing" 意味
  9. "no amount of washing will remove such stains" 意味
  10. "no alterations should be made unless absolutely necessary" 意味
  11. "no alternative" 意味
  12. "no amount of explanation can possibly give any adequate idea of the importance of…" 意味
  13. "no amount of profit could appease his hunger for money" 意味

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