no prophet, as far as i know, had foreseen this horror 意味

  • 私の知る限りこの恐怖を予見した予言者はいなかった


        as far as i know:    as far as I know 知る限り しるかぎり
        far as i know:    
        so far as i know:    =
        i know:     í knów ((略式)) (1) (相手に同意して)そう(だ)ね,わかるよ[わ](yes). (2) (部分的に同意して)わかっている(cf.?you KNOW ). (3) いい考えがある[浮んだ]. (4) わかった,そうだ《◆いい考えが浮かんだ時に》 I ~. We can take a bus.そうだ,バスで行こう.
        not if i know it:     Nòt if I knów it! () だれがそんなことするもんか,もってのほかだ.
        not that i know of:     Nót that I knów of. ((略式)) (1) ()[thatは関係代名詞][Iに強勢を置いて] 私の知る限りそうではない(=Not to my knowledge.). (2) ()[thatは指示代名詞] そんなこと知るもんか.
        as i had expected:    期待どおり(に)
        as i had feared:    案の定
        as if i had not enough to:    ~なら間に合っているというのに
        i've had enough:     I've had enóugh. (1) もう十分です,ごちそうさま. (2) もううんざりだ.
        if i had been:    もしも(そこに)私がいたとしたら
        in a conversation i had with:    ~との会話{かいわ}で
        though i had anticipated it:    かねて予想はしていたものの
        foreseen:    {動} : foresee の過去分詞形 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【@】フォースィーン、フォアスィーン、【分節】fore?seen
        not foreseen:    不測{ふそく}で、想定外{そうてい がい}で


  1. "no problem with me, if you're certain." 意味
  2. "no problem with me, if you're sure." 意味
  3. "no profits will come in" 意味
  4. "no prong" 意味
  5. "no prophet is accepted in his own age" 意味
  6. "no prostitution zone" 意味
  7. "no protest" 意味
  8. "no public swearing-ins" 意味
  9. "no publicity, please" 意味
  10. "no prong" 意味
  11. "no prophet is accepted in his own age" 意味
  12. "no prostitution zone" 意味
  13. "no protest" 意味

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