- 無効{むこう}だ、効かない、効き目がない、通用{つうよう}しない
not have effect 意味
- "not have anything going with" 意味
- "not have anything posh to wear" 意味
- "not have anything to do with" 意味
- "not have anything to spend for the child" 意味
- "not have both oars in the water" 意味
- "not have enough cash" 意味
- "not have enough change" 意味
- "not have enough concentration" 意味
- "not have enough experience to" 意味
- "not have anything to spend for the child" 意味
- "not have both oars in the water" 意味
- "not have enough cash" 意味
- "not have enough change" 意味