not much cop 意味

発音を聞く:   not much copの例文
  • 大して価値がない


  1. not much cop , this caring lark .
    そんな事して 何になるんだ


        cop:     1cop n. 《口語》 警官. 【動詞+】 Call the cops! 警官を呼べ. 【+動詞】 Here come the cops! ほらサツが来るぞ. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a corrupt cop 悪徳警官 a good cop 有能な警官 a motorcycle cop 白バイの警官 an of
        cop it:    〈英俗〉叱られる、大目玉{おおめだま}を食らう When Ron finds out I broke his bike, I'll cop it! 僕がロンの自転車を壊したってロンが知ったら、僕は叱られちゃうよ!
        cop that:     Cóp thát! ((英俗))(あれを)見ろよ(Look at that!).
        no cop:    《be ~》役に立たない You surely are no cop.
        armed cop:    武装警官{ぶそう けいかん}
        bad cop:    悪い警官{けいかん}
        cop a dose:    〈英俗〉性病{せいびょう}にかかる
        cop a drag:    たばこを吸う
        cop a feel:    〈米俗〉女性{じょせい}の胸やお尻などを触る、ペッティングする
        cop a fix:    麻薬{まやく}を買う
        cop a head:    〈米俗〉(酒?麻薬{まやく}に)酔う
        cop a joint:    〈卑〉
        cop a plea:    〈米俗〉(犯罪者{はんざいしゃ}が刑を軽くしてもらうために)自白{じはく}する
        cop a prize:    賞を取る
        cop a squat:    座る、腰掛ける{こしかける}


  1. "not much" 意味
  2. "not much attention has been paid to this in the past" 意味
  3. "not much care" 意味
  4. "not much chop" 意味
  5. "not much consideration has been given to…" 意味
  6. "not much difference between x and y" 意味
  7. "not much different" 意味
  8. "not much different than" 意味
  9. "not much enjoyment comes from…" 意味
  10. "not much chop" 意味
  11. "not much consideration has been given to…" 意味
  12. "not much difference between x and y" 意味
  13. "not much different" 意味

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