not much for 意味

  • 《be ~》~はあまり好きではない[ちょっとご免だ]


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. i'm not much for macrobiotics . just as i suspected .
    思った通りだ 消費社会の犠牲者だ
  2. since there's not much for you to do while you're in there
    することは あまり多くないので
  3. not much for seizing the initiative , are we ?
    主導権をとりたい訳じゃ 無いだろ?
  4. oh , well , i'm not much for tradition or tree frog .
  5. i guess there's not much for me at home .


        (not) much:    (not) much 左程 さほど
        as much:    as much 其れ丈 それだけ
        as much as:    {1} : ~するだけの量のもの、~だけ、~と同じ程度に、~と同じ量のもの、ほとんど、事実上{じじつじょう}、~ほども You can eat as much as you want for $15. 15ドルで食べ放題です。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2}
        as much as that:    そんなにまで
        by much:    ずっと、はるかに、大いに
        for as much as:    ~であるから
        in much of:    ~の大半{たいはん}[ほとんど]で
        much:     1much pron. 多大, 多量, 多額. 【動詞+】 He has accomplished much for the welfare of the society. 《文語》 社会の繁栄のために多くのことをなし遂げてきた I admit that much. そこまでは認めます How much do you charge per month? 1
        much as:    {1} : ~と同じだけ◆【同】as much as -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : ~だけれども◆【同】however much
        much as that:    
        much of a:     múch of a ... ひどい[すごい]…;[否定?疑問文で] たいした…(ではない) Was it ~ of a surprise? ひどくびっくりすることでしたか/ That wouldn't be ~ of a problem. たいした問題ではないでしょう How ~ of a mathematician is he?彼はどの程度の数学者なのですか. --------
        no much for:    《be ~》(主語)では~にはかなわない[歯が立たない?太刀打ちできない]
        not much:    not much 余り あまり あんまり
        not much in it:     nòt múch in it (比較されたものの間で)ほとんど違いのない.
        not that much:    not that much 然程 さほど


  1. "not much cop" 意味
  2. "not much difference between x and y" 意味
  3. "not much different" 意味
  4. "not much different than" 意味
  5. "not much enjoyment comes from…" 意味
  6. "not much for haggling" 意味
  7. "not much in it" 意味
  8. "not much in one's line" 意味
  9. "not much mining goes on here nowadays" 意味
  10. "not much different than" 意味
  11. "not much enjoyment comes from…" 意味
  12. "not much for haggling" 意味
  13. "not much in it" 意味

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