not polite 意味

  • 《be ~》礼儀{れいぎ}を知らない


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. it's not polite to wear a hat at the table .
  2. you know , you really shouldn't sneak up on people ; that's not polite .
  3. it's not polite to stare .
    鳥、出番だ お前誰だい?
  4. son , don't talk when other people are talking . it's not polite . eat your dinner .
    話してる時に失礼だぞ 食べなさい
  5. it's not polite to blow your own horn ... so i'll let the soundman do it for me .
    ホーンは失礼です 今 効果係が鳴らします


        polite:     polite adj. 優雅な, いんぎんな. 【副詞】 He was coldly polite with outsiders. 部外者には冷ややかにいんぎんだった enormously polite ひどくていねいな excruciatingly polite 極度に丁重な, こちこちになった icily polite 冷ややかにいん
        polite to:    《be ~》(人)に丁重{ていちょう}に振る舞う、(人)に礼儀正{れいぎ ただ}しく接する
        to be (polite):    to be (polite) ご座います 御座います ございます
        (polite for) man:    (polite for) man 殿原 とのばら
        (polite for) visitors:    (polite for) visitors 殿達 とのたち
        considered polite:    《be ~》礼儀{れいぎ}にかなっていると考えられている
        do the polite:    上品に振る舞う
        doctor (polite):    doctor (polite) お医者さん 御医者さん おいしゃさん
        enormously polite:    ひどく丁寧な
        excessively polite:    ばか丁寧な
        icily polite:    冷ややかに慇懃{いんぎん}な
        in a polite manner:    丁寧{ていねい}な物腰{ものごし}で
        in a polite way:    丁寧に
        in polite fashion:    礼儀正{れいぎ ただ}しいマナーで
        in polite society:    上流社会{じょうりゅう しゃかい}のお上品{じょうひん}ぶった人々{ひとびと}の間では


  1. "not play a big enough role in the raising of kids" 意味
  2. "not play a very important part" 意味
  3. "not play well in" 意味
  4. "not play with full decks" 意味
  5. "not pleased with" 意味
  6. "not popular among" 意味
  7. "not pose any legal problems" 意味
  8. "not possessed" 意味
  9. "not possible" 意味
  10. "not play with full decks" 意味
  11. "not pleased with" 意味
  12. "not popular among" 意味
  13. "not pose any legal problems" 意味

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