novelette 意味

発音記号: [ ˌnɔvə'let ]発音を聞く   noveletteの例文
  • {名} : 中編小説{ちゅうへん しょうせつ}


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. gesaku (the light literature ), sharebon book (a gay-quarter novelette )
    - 戯作、洒落本
  2. sharebon (a gay-quarter novelette ): " shikake bunko " (a chest for a geisha ' s wardrobe ) by kyoden santo
  3. derived from sharebon book (a pleasure quarter novelette ), ninjobon books were written from the beginning of the 19th century .
  4. he drew many sashie for gesaku (literary work of a playful , mocking , joking , silly or frivolous nature ) such as kibyoshi (an illustrated book of popular fiction whose cover is yellow ), sharebon book (a gay-quarter novelette ) and yomihon .
  5. sharebon book (a gay-quarter novelette ) and kibyoshibon written by kyoden santo were also exposed , and kyoden suffered 50-day tegusari penalty (confinement to one ' s residence and restraint in behavior with handcuffs on the wrists ).


        romantic novelette:    恋愛小説{れんあい しょうせつ}
        novelese:    {名} : 三文小説風{さんもん しょうせつ ふう}の陳腐{ちんぷ}な文体{ぶんたい}
        novelda:    {地名} : ノベルダ
        novelettish:    {形} : 中編小説風{ちゅうへん しょうせつ ふう}の -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】nα`v(э)le'ti∫
        novel-writing is a very precarious way to obtain a living:    小説を書くことは生計を得るにはきわめて不安定な方法だ
        novel-lover:    {名} : 小説愛読者
        novelist:     novelist n. 小説家. 【+動詞】 This novelist won the Nobel prize. この小説家はノーベル賞を受賞した. 【形容詞 名詞+】 an accomplished novelist 熟達した小説家 an avant-garde novelist 前衛小説家 a bad novelist へたな小説
        novel written to make money:    金もうけのために書かれた小説{しょうせつ}
        novelist of the first rank:    一流{いちりゅう}の小説家{しょうせつか}


  1. "novel written to make money" 意味
  2. "novel-lover" 意味
  3. "novel-writing is a very precarious way to obtain a living" 意味
  4. "novelda" 意味
  5. "novelese" 意味
  6. "novelettish" 意味
  7. "novelise" 意味
  8. "novelist" 意味
  9. "novelist of the first rank" 意味
  10. "novelda" 意味
  11. "novelese" 意味
  12. "novelettish" 意味
  13. "novelise" 意味

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